Avoid ReSharper warning when doing multiple asserts

Since I started writing my NUnit asserts using Assert.That* instead of Assert.Are*, I’ve been hooked on the new syntax. The constraint API makes asserts readable and helps you specifying the expected and actual values at their proper places. One thing that always displeased my eye for perfection, was the R# warning shown when doing multiple asserts on the same value:


R# tries to tell me, that result may be null. That’s just stupid, right? We just asserted, that result is in fact not null. While this definitely is a bug in R#, there is an easy fix for this. Recently I was looking some more at the That-method overloads and found a method, which is probably known but everyone than me. The overload takes a simple bool, making it easy to suppress the R# warning:


What is the difference here? Rather than using the constraints API in NUnit for asserting the value being not null, I simply write a statement translatable to a bool value (result != null). This should make R# happy and to be honest, the code still looks pretty readable to me.