GOTO Aarhus 2013 Day 1
My first day as a blogger on GOTO Aarhus has ended. It has been a great day with lots of presentations, networking, blogging and even coding.
😀 The highlights
- Taking The Hippie Bus To The Enterprise by Mogens Heller Grabe. I’m so happy for Mogens and his new job as NServiceBus, but still sad to hear him talk about Rebus for the last time.
- Why Agile doesn’t scale, and what you can do about it by Dan North. Dan had a lot of great points and clearly know what he’s talking about as well a great presenter.
- Networking. I probably talked to around 30 different people today, which have been great. Looking forward catching up with more former colleeges tomorrow.
- Blogging. I ended up doing some coding during two of the presentations, which resulted in a blog post about node.js in Visual Studio and another comparing Handlebars.js and Knockout.
😕 The disappointments
- The keynotes. Both keynotes where not really my cup of tea. I’m looking forward to hearing about Javas past, present and future tomorrow.
- The missing breakfast. What went wrong? Previously GOTO always kicked off with something for the stomach. Gotta remember eating breakfast from home tomorrow.
- The program in general. Today were without doubt the weakest day of this year’s conference. I had problems finding interesting presentations in some of the slots, but that gave me an excellent excuse to do some coding, while pretending to be listening 🙂