My open source activity

I’ve done quite some open source work during the last couple of years. It struck me this week that my activity in this area has increased heavily this year. The following list isn’t meant as a brag list, but more as a mental note on the stuff I’m working on. So please don’t waste time telling me that I have no life. I know I don’t have a life 🙂

MSBuild Shell Extension

MSBuildShellExtension lets you build Visual Studio solutions and projects as well as any MSBuild file, without ever opening the Visual Studio.

MSBuild Profiler

MSBuild Profiler is a performance measurement tool for MSBuild scripts. MSBuild Profiler shows a graphical performance output for all your MSBuild scripts.


A fluent api for doing broken link checks of web resources.


Executes CSSLint from .NET.


Executes JSHint from .NET.


A c# client for the AChecker accessibility validator.


.NET client for Google Page Speed.


A c# client for the W3C CSS validator.


A small tool able to generate a DGML file visualizing your NuGet references.


Elmah.Io.ElasticSearch is a ElasticSearch storage backend for ELMAH.


gInfinity extends your favorite search engine Google with infinite scroll. Scroll down to the bottom of the search result and the following 20 search results are automatically added to the search result.

NuGetFeed allows you to follow any NuGet package via your RSS reader. You can sign in with OpenId, and keep a favorite lists of your used packages. There’s also our public feeds, which are great for following new releases.

Besides the projects coordinated by myself, I’ve contributed to the following projects in 2013:

NEST, REDbot, Rebus, JSHint, DefinitelyTyped, EasyNetQ