Unit-testing HtmlHelper extension methods

I sometimes find myself doing extension methods for the HtmlHelper class in ASP.NET MVC. I like HtmlHelper, but I don’t really dig when the methods generate HTML. This is what partial views are for, right? I usually add small utility methods related to a single view on the…

10 Tips to Optimize Your Time Part 2/2

This is the second and last part of my blog post titled 10 Tips to Optimize Your Time. If you haven’t read part 1, go ahead [https://thomasardal.com/10-tips-to-optimize-your-time-part-12/]! Only plan one visit every weekend if possible We have a large family.  Both my wife and I are…

Announcing NuGetFeed.org

I don’t think I ever got to announcing NuGetFeed.org [http://nugetfeed.org/]. NuGet Feed is a great extension to NuGet [http://nuget.org/], which most .NET developers should know by now.  With NuGetFeed.org you will be able to follow your favorite NuGet package releases with a RSS…

Running QUnit tests on TeamCity

Let’s face it, it doesn’t make sense to keep and maintain unit tests not executed on a continuous basis. In my previous post [https://thomasardal.com/an-introduction-to-qunit/], I looked at a unit test framework for JavaScript called QUnit [http://docs.jquery.com/QUnit]. While commonly used unit test…

An introduction to QUnit

One of the areas that I never really dug into is unit testing JavaScript code. I have a background as a backend developer and for me, NUnit has been sufficient for years. During the last couple of years, I started implementing a few websites and also switched my working place…

2011 retrospect

Inspired by [http://mookid.dk/oncode/archives/1906] my old colleague Mookid [http://twitter.com/#!/mookid8000], I want to also share what I’ve been working on this year. It has been a crazy and busy year. Even though my wife and I had a son last year, I’ve…