I have been experimenting with building and launching software products for several years. This page contain a list of the different experiments I've tried and the outcome of each. When looking through the list I have failed A LOT. But, all of the experiments taught me something and led the way to where I am today.
Project | Started | Description | What Happened | Link |
MSBuild Shell Extension | 2006 | Build .NET solutions/projects using right-click | Shut it down | Wayback |
MSBuild Profiler | 2007 | Profile MSBuild scripts to improve build performance | Shut it down | Wayback |
TRexGoogleContacts | 2008 | Reverse lookup plugin for TapiRex and Google Contacts | Donated to TapiRex | Wayback |
myrating.dk | 2009 | A Danish rating website | Shut it down | Wayback |
Bricksales | 2010 | Buy and sell LEGO bricks online | Shut it down | Wayback |
HippoValidator | 2010 | SaaS product for scanning website-quality | Shut it down | Wayback |
thomasardal.com | 2011 | My personal blog | Active | thomasardal.com |
HippoFocus | 2011 | Chrome extension that let you decide where to put focus | Shut it down | |
HippoTab | 2011 | Chrome extension that auto-tab on web forms | Shut it down | |
HippoLink | 2011 | Chrome extension that make unclickable links clickable | Shut it down | |
NuGetFeed | 2011 | Subscribe to NuGet package updates through RSS | Sold to MyGet | Wayback |
gInfinity | 2011 | Infinite scroll on google.com and other browser improvements | Shut it down | GitHub |
smileyapi.dk | 2011 | API to lookup results from the Danish food regulation department | Shut it down | |
StartupHQ | 2011 | Index of Danish startups and startup-related events | Shut it down | Wayback |
Verdens Bedste Tomatsovs | 2011 | A recipy website for making the worlds best tomato sauce | Shut it down | Wayback |
varmchokolade.dk | 2011 | A recipy website for things containing chocolate | Shut it down | Wayback |
DMI Vejrudsigten | 2012 | Chrome extension showing weather from the Danish weather service (DMI) | Shut it down | |
Rate My Everything | 2012 | A range of rating apps for Windows Phone and Android | Shut it down | |
NuGet Package Visualizer | 2012 | Visualize NuGet packages and dependencies | Archived | GitHub |
KMTjek | 2012 | A website checking for valid milege when purchasing used cars | Shut it down | |
Månedens frugt og grønt | 2012 | A Windows Phone app showing fruits and vegetables currently in season | Shut it down | |
VideoPoker | 2012 | My first (failed) attempt of creating a game for Windows Phone | Shut it down | |
elmah.io | 2013 | Cloud-logging and error monitoring for .NET websites | Active | elmah.io |
FluentLinkChecker | 2013 | A fluent api for doing broken link checks of web resources | Archived | GitHub |
CSSLintValidator | 2013 | Executes CSSLint from .NET | Archived | GitHub |
JsHintValidator | 2013 | Executes JSHint from .NET | Archived | GitHub |
ACheckerAccessibilityValidationClient | 2013 | A C# client for the AChecker accessibility validator | Archived | GitHub |
GooglePageSpeedClient | 2013 | .NET client for Google Page Speed | Archived | GitHub |
W3CCssValidationClient | 2013 | A c# client for the W3C CSS validator | Archived | GitHub |
Favicon Loader | 2013 | Tool for getting the URL of the favicon for any website | Archived | GitHub |
ELMAH.Elasticsearch | 2013 | Elasticsearch storage backend for ELMAH | Archived | GitHub |
DiToMi | 2014 | Webstite for my consultancy company | Active | ditomi.dk |
NuGet Server | 2014 | A lightweight NuGet server hosted as a Windows Service | Sold to Inedo | nugetserver.net |
Fitbit.Elasticsearch | 2015 | Import data from your Fitbit device to Elasticsearch | Archived | GitHub |
ElasticsearchRetention | 2015 | Delete indexes from Elasticsearch automatically | Archived | GitHub |
gibbon.io | 2015 | Generate PDF files as a service | Shut it down | Wayback |
nginx for Windows | 2016 | Easy hosting of nginx as a Windows Service | Shut it down | |
SEOSnoop | 2017 | A SEO extension for Visual Studio | Shut it down | GitHub |
ASP.NET Core News | 2019 | A Twitter account and weekly newsletter about ASP.NET Core | Active | aspnetcore.news |
RickrollingMiddleware | 2020 | A joke but also a good example of how to build middleware for ASP.NET Core | Archived | GitHub |
NuPU | 2021 | An interactive CLI for updating NuGet packages. | Active | GitHub |
Dark Screen of Death | 2022 | Dark mode for the developer exception page in ASP.NET Core. | Active | Chrome Web Store |
jsonpatch.me | 2022 | Playing around with an API for running JSON Patch transformations | Active | jsonpatch.me |
Smart Home Ideas | 2022 | A GitHub repository to share my smart home ideas | Archived | GitHub |
Cron Expressions | 2023 | A Visual Studio extension to explain cron expressions | Active | Visual Studio Marketplace |
norC | 2023 | Get a CRON expression from a human-readable string | Active | GitHub |
Exception Visualizer | 2023 | A Visual Studio extension to visualize exceptions while debugging | Active | Visual Studio Marketplace |
JSON Linter | 2023 | A JSON Linter app for GitHub repositories | Active | GitHub Marketplace |
Check vulnerable NuGet packages | 2024 | GitHub Action to check for vulnerable NuGet packages | Active | GitHub Marketplace |
ILogger Visualizer | 2024 | A Visual Studio extension to visualize ILogger while debugging | Active | Visual Studio Marketplace |
Problem Details Inspector | 2024 | Tab for Chrome Developers Tools to help inspect Problem Details | Active | Chrome Web Store |
Azure DevOps Retire.js extension | 2025 | An Azure DevOps task to run Retire.js. | Active | Visual Studio Marketplace |