My experience with Azure Functions so far

This is a post about Azure Functions [] – the new “serverless” computing feature from Microsoft currently in Preview. I was introduced to Functions (WebJobs vNext at the time) back in February as part of an insider preview for Microsoft MVPs. Having read a bit…

Evaluating Azure DocumentDB – Part 2

This is the second and final post in the series Evaluating Azure DocumentDB. Where Part 1 [] focused around the concepts in DocumentDB, I’ll explore some actual code in this post. Inserting documents Before we dig into the code, there’s a couple of terms in…

Evaluating Azure DocumentDB - Part 1

I’m currently working on way more projects and products than I probably should. One of them is a new mobile app which will conquer the universe! Well maybe just the world. For the backend I wanted to use something different than SQL Server, since data from the app doesn’…

Running ElasticSearch in a cluster on Azure

In this post I will share my experiences setting up Elasticsearch in a clustered setup of virtual machines, running on Windows Azure. I use this approach for hosting Elasticsearch on my SaaS startup []. Disclamer: this is in no way an official guide on how to…