GOTO Aarhus 2013 Day 3

Last day at GOTO Aarhus [] has ended. It has been a great conference with interesting talks, a lot of networking and even coding. 😀 The highlights * The keynote [] . Unlike the two previous days, the keynote by Chad Fowler…

GOTO Aarhus 2013 Day 2

Second day at GOTO Aarhus [] has ended. Another great day with a lot of interesting presentations. Unlike yesterday I didn’t have any problems filling in the different slots. Well done GOTO! 😀 The highlights * The Web Security […

Running ElasticSearch in a cluster on Azure

In this post I will share my experiences setting up Elasticsearch in a clustered setup of virtual machines, running on Windows Azure. I use this approach for hosting Elasticsearch on my SaaS startup []. Disclamer: this is in no way an official guide on how to…

GOTO Aarhus 2013 Day 1

My first day as a blogger on GOTO Aarhus has ended. It has been a great day with lots of presentations, networking, blogging and even coding. 😀 The highlights * Taking The Hippie Bus To The Enterprise [] by Mogens Heller…

Handlebars.js versus Knockout

![knockout](https://tho [/content/images/2013/09/knockout.jpg] ![handlebars](https://t [/content/images/2013/09/handlebars.png]I’m still at the GOTO conference and having a blast, despite still being a bit struck by the flu. I attended another presentation about node.js. The presenter also demoed ember.…

What's up with the missing Windows Phone GOTO app?

Tomorrow’s the big opening for this year’s GOTO conference in Aarhus. I’m currently doing a bit of preparing both on going through the program one more time, as well as preparing some of the blog posts that I want to do during the conference. GOTO wisely decided…

Scrum, Kanban, Agile? who the f... cares?

This is a technical blog. I’m a techie and almost all of my blog posts are about different techs. As some of you may know, I also care a great deal about software development processes, and believe me, I’ve tried them all. Waterfall, Iterations, Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban you…